Saturday 22 December 2007

Logierait Perthshire Scotland

The Church at Logierait, Perthshire, Scotland, is always worth a visit. The church was founded by St Cedd around 650. Cedd was a missionary of the Celtic church of Iona. Logierait, Perthshire, Scotland. Tour Logierait, Perthshire, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Logierait in 1846. Logierait, a parish, in the county of Perth, containing, with the village of Ballenluig, part of that of Aberfeldy, and part of the late quoad sacra district of Rannoch, 2959 inhabitants, of whom 168 are in the village of Logierait, 8 miles (N. N. W.) from Dunkeld. This place, frequently called Laggan by the inhabitants, derives its name from the two words Logie and Rait or Reite, the first signifying a "hollow," and the latter "arbitration" or "settlement of differences," the Court of Regality under the jurisdiction of the house of Atholl having been formerly held in this locality, where a large court-house stood, containing a justiciary hall upwards of seventy feet long, with galleries at the ends. King Robert III. is supposed to have resided occasionally at a hunting-seat, or castle, in the vicinity of the village, the ruins of which are still to be seen. The parish consists of several distinct portions, some of which are far distant from the main part. The principal lands of the main part lie between the rivers Tay and Tummel, the former running along their southern, and the latter marking their northern and eastern boundaries: the rest of the main part is east of the Tummel, and bounded by the parishes of Dunkeld, Kirkmichael, and Moulin, the first and last of which penetrate by narrow tracts to a considerable distance. On the south of the Tay, a detached portion of Logierait, stretching from the river, near Aberfeldy, for about a mile, runs between the parishes of Dull and Fortingal; and two other separate portions are situated to the westward, in the district of Rannoch, beyond the parishes of Weem, Dull, and Fortingal. On account of the very irregular boundary line of the main part, but especially on account of the detached portions, it is difficult to state the actual dimensions of the parish; but, supposing the whole compact and continuous, it has been estimated at twelve miles in length, and five in average breadth. It contains 27,411 acres, of which 5002 are under cultivation, 2899 under wood, 15,533 moor, 768 common, and the remainder other kinds of waste. The scenery between the two rivers, which in one part are about seven miles distant, is richly varied and beautiful; and a sloping hilly ridge intersecting the district commands uninterrupted and picturesque views on each side, the bold and imposing features of the rocky and mountainous eminences in the adjacent parishes supplying a fine relief to the softer scenery of the immediate locality. The portion of the parish situated in Rannoch is skirted on the north by the considerable loch of the same name; but, with this exception, there are no waters of consequence besides the two rivers, and the stream which separates part of Logierait from Dull, and is ornamented near Aberfeldy with the celebrated falls of Moness.

The soil in the haughs and low grounds is partly alluvial, and partly gravelly; that of some of the slopes is deeper, and of a rich loamy quality: the portion east of the tunnel contains numerous springs, and is mostly wet, resting on a clayey impervious subsoil. The crops, which in general are fine, on account of the purity and dryness of the climate and the kindly nature of the soil, comprise wheat, barley, oats, and rye, the last, however, sown in only small quantities. Turnips and potatoes are also produced to some extent, with clover; and lint is still grown, though bearing but a small proportion to the amount formerly raised. The six-shift rotation is occasionally followed; but the five-shift prevails among the larger farmers, and the four-shift among the cottars. The breeds of horses, sheep, and cattle are much mixed, and comparatively inferior; improvements have, however, recently been made, and Leicester sheep and Ayrshire cattle are seen on some of the best farms. The husbandry on the whole is upon a good footing; but the advances made in many other districts are here impeded to a considerable extent by the minute subdivision of the land, which, falling into the hands of inferior tenants, is deprived of the advantage of an outlay of capital, and often much exhausted in cropping. The recovery of waste land, and draining and embanking, have, nevertheless, been actively carried on; and much attention has been paid to the erection of superior farm-houses and offices, which till recently were of very indifferent character. The Duke of Atholl is superior, and principal heritor: the rateable annual value of the parish is £10,290. Veins of limestone cross the district in one or two places; but the substratum consists chiefly of common stone, quarries of which are numerous. The wood comprehends larch, several varieties of fir, ash, elm, beech, oak, poplar, plane and other trees; the largest plantations are those of larch, belonging to the duke. There are several gentlemen's seats on the north of the Tay, and on each side of the Tummel, all of which are neat commodious structures. The village of Logierait is ancient, and now almost ruinous: the old prison in it belonging to the Regality Court, where many of the rebels were confined after the battle of Culloden, was taken down about twenty-five years since. About 170 persons reside here; and 300 in that portion of the village of Aberfeldy attached to this parish. Linenyarn was formerly manufactured, returning nearly £3000 annually; but this branch of trade has entirely disappeared. The parish contains, however, six distilleries, which produce yearly about 65,000 gallons of spirit from 32,500 bushels of malt, one-third of the barley employed being of native growth: there are also eight mealmills, two for flax, two saw-mills, and one for potatoestarch.

A good turnpike-road traverses Strath-Tay, and is connected with the great road to Inverness on the north, and with that to Breadalbane from Dunkeld on the south, by two ferries, the one on the Tay and the other on the Tummel; the passage on the latter being effected by a fly-bridge constructed with two boats and a platform, and adapted, by novel and ingenious machinery, to the nature of the stream. There are several other ferries; and a post every day except Tuesday. The chief trade consists in the exportation of whisky to the southern markets, and potatoes to Dundee for London; the meal obtained from the oats is sold in the surrounding districts. A fair is held on the first Tuesday after the 12th of May, for the sale of seeds, &c.; but it has nearly fallen into disuse in consequence of the farmers having discontinued the sowing of lint-seeds. A market, also, now in a declining state, is held on the 22nd of August, for the sale of horses and the hiring of shearers. The parish is ecclesiastically in the presbytery of Weem and synod of Perth and Stirling, and in the patronage of the Duke of Atholl. The minister's stipend is £232, with a manse, and a glebe of several acres, valued at £10 per annum. The church was built in 1806, and is conveniently situated within half a mile of the junction of the Tay and Tummel, and in the vicinity of the principal ferries; it contains accommodation for 1000 persons. There is an episcopal chapel; and a place of worship for Baptists has been erected. The parochial school affords instruction in the usual branches: the master has a salary of £34, with a house and garden, and about £6 fees; also £5 per annum from the rents of the bishopric of Dunkeld. There is likewise a free-school at Strath-Tay, affording a good education to nearly 200 children, endowed by David Stuart, a native of the parish, with six acres of land, and the interest of £2500, for the support of a master and assistant, and the supply of stationery and prizes, besides an additional sum for the erection of school premises: the master has a salary of £40, and the assistant one of £20. The same benefactor also left funds which are soon to become available, for the endowment of an hospital at Edinburgh. There is a society called the Atholl Wrights' Brotherly Society, instituted in 1812; the Strath-Tay Farmers' Friendly Society was commenced in January 1826; and a savings' bank at Aberfeldy, instituted in 1833, is open for deposits to a small portion of this parish. The chief relic of antiquity is the ruin of the castle or hunting-seat supposed to have been occupied by King Robert; and there are several places the names of which indicate the residence of royalty, and the operations of judicial tribunals, such as "king's stables," "gallow-hill,". The Duke of Atholl takes his title of Lord Strath-Tay from this parish.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful o see something about Logierait where so many of my family came from
    Looking all the time!
