Friday 21 December 2007

Lethendy Perthshire Scotland

Lethendy, Perthshire, Scotland. Lethendy Photographs. Tour Lethendy, Perthshire, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Lethendy in 1846. Lethendya parish, in the county of Perth, 4 miles (S. W. by W.) from Blairgowrie; containing 662 inhabitants. These two ancient parishes were united about the year 1806. The district of Lethendy measures five miles from east to west, and one mile and a half at its greatest breadth, comprising 1633 acres, of which 1486 are well cultivated, and the remainder in plantations, with the exception of a small portion of pasture. The district of Kinloch contains 2824 acres, of which 1503 are cultivated in the best manner, 269 are under plantations, and the remainder waste, or used only for pasturage. Lethendy is bounded on the east by the burn of Lunan, separating it from Blairgowrie; and the land gradually rises from that burn to within a short distance of the western limit, where it exhibits a sudden declivity about half a mile in extent. In Kinloch the surface in general is irregular. There are two large brooks, Lornty burn and Lunan burn; and three sheets of water, called respectively the loch of Drumelie, the Rae loch, and the Fenzies loch. The soil is partly a black mould, inclining in some places to a reddish argillaceous earth, and producing all kinds of crops of excellent quality: in the eastern quarter the lands become more heavy and wet, and the soil is blacker, and not so fertile. Between 200 and 300 head of blackcattle are kept, many of which are fattened for the market. The rateable annual value of the parish is £4489. The principal residences are, the house of Balleid, a very old building; the house of Marlee; and the house of Kinloch, a neat modern structure. The fuel in general use is peat and wood, obtained in the parish; but coal is procured from Fifeshire, and also from Newcastle and Sunderland, through Perth, to which place the agricultural produce is sent, especially potatoes for the London market. The parish is in the presbytery of Dunkeld and synod of Perth and Stirling, and in the patronage of the Crown. The minister's stipend is £211, with a manse, and a glebe of eight acres in Lethendy, valued at £18 per annum, and another of the same extent and value in the Kinloch district. The church of Kinloch is a plain modern structure; that of Lethendy very ancient, and much dilapidated. The members of the Free Church and the United Secession have places of worship. There is a parochial school in each of the two districts, where the usual branches are taught; the master of that of Lethendy receives a salary of £25, with a house and garden, and £12 fees, and the master of the school in Kinloch has a salary of £35, with a house and garden, and £12 fees. The remains of antiquity include the old tower of Lethendy, and a Druidical temple in Kinloch; and a great many tumuli are to be seen in the latter district, called the Haer cairns, on a moor where some suppose the famous battle to have been fought between Agricola and Galgacus.

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