Sunday 16 December 2007

Findogask Perthshire Scotland

Findogask, Perthshire, Scotland. Tour Findogask, Perthshire, Scotland, on an Ancestry Tour of Scotland. Best Scottish Tours, Best Scottish Food, Best Scottish Hotels, Small Group Tours of Scotland. Rent a Cottage in Scotland. Findogask in 1846. Findogask, a parish, in the county of Perth, 3 miles (N. W. by N.) from Dunning; containing, with the village of Clathy, 436 inhabitants. The name of this place is supposed by some to be derived from a word in the Gaelic language, signifying "a slope;" but its etymology is extremely doubtful. The length of the parish is about two miles, and the breadth nearly the same; it contains about 2560 acres. The ground slopes, on each side, from the Roman causeway which runs through the middle of the parish, on the highest ground: the southern side is a pleasant tract, laid out in cultivated fields; on the other slope, towards the north, are plantations of fir, oak, and beech, interspersed with cornfields and pastures. The parish is bounded on the north by Madderty and Methven parishes, on the south by Dunning, on the east by Tibbermore and Forteviot, and on the west by Trinity-Gask. The river Earn runs along the southern boundary, and, though not navigable, is a considerable stream, the line of whose windings in this part is about three miles in length; it contains salmon, white and yellow trout, perch, flounders, pike, and eels. The soil is partly clayey and partly loamy: in the northern quarter is an extensive moss, a portion of which has been reclaimed and cultivated, and the rest supplies the people with peat for fuel. Grain of all kinds is produced, as well as green crops, the whole of good quality: more than 1200 acres are underwood, consisting mainly of larch, Scotch fir, and oak; and the woods abound with every description of game. The modern system of agriculture has been adopted for the last thirty years, and all the land is cultivated, except the part under wood: the cattle are the Teeswater and Ayrshire; the sheep are the Leicesters, and the common breed of horses is usually reared. The rateable annual value of the parish is £3500. The rocks consist of sandstone and grey slate, both of which are quarried; and marl is found in different places.

The mansion of Gask is the residence of the chief proprietor, whose ancestors for many generations have resided on the property; it is a commodious and substantial building, erected in the beginning of the present century, and ornamented with many large and beautiful trees. The turnpike-roads have been improved, and the parish roads are in a tolerably good state; the road from Perth to Stirling intersects the parish. The ecclesiastical affairs are subject to the presbytery of Auchterarder and synod of Perth and Stirling; patron, the Crown. The stipend of the minister is £155, with a manse, built in 1800, and a glebe of twenty acres, valued at £15 per annum. The church was erected also in 1800, and is a plain edifice in good repair, accommodating nearly 400 persons with sittings, all of which are free. There is a parochial school, in which Latin is taught, with all the ordinary branches of education; the master has the maximum salary, with a house and garden, and about £12 fees. A parochial library was founded in 1824, and is supported by subscription. The Roman causeway which runs through the parish is twenty feet broad, and has been macadamized within these few years; it leads westward to a camp still visible in the parish of Muthill, and eastward to another camp in the parish of Scone. By its side are stations, capable of containing from twelve to twenty men, and inclosed by ditches, which are very distinct. Within the policy of Gask, vestiges of two other camps may be traced, one on the south, and the other on the north, of the causeway; and the prætorium of the latter is yet marked, though the ground has been planted with fir. One of these camps seems to have been capable of containing 500 men, and the other, half that number. The place gives the title of Baron to the ducal family of Murray.

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